On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Diego Zamboni wrote:
> > 1>  The install document refers tp GRP repeatedly.  [IE: If you are not
> > using GRP...]  What is GRP?  I don't see any obvious answers in the
> > install doc.  It's possible I've missed something, but...
> It's there, near the beginning of the installation instructions:
> Note: A complete Gentoo Linux 2-CD set contains the Gentoo Reference
> Platform, which is a complete pre-built Gentoo Linux system including
> GNOME, KDE, Mozilla and OpenOffice. The Gentoo Reference Platform
> ("GRP") was created to allow rapid Gentoo Linux package installations
> for those who need this capability.

Ahh!  Thank you.

> What I did when switching my system to Gentoo was to follow the
> instructions for GRP, so that I had a working system soon, and later I
> "emerge sync"ed and upgraded to latest versions of everything by
> recompiling from source.

A good idea, but I've only experienced major headaches when switching
between distros.  I copied everything I needed off the machine in
question, and burned everything down to the point of repartitioning the
hard drives.  (Which turned out to be a "Very Good Thing", as to my
surprise the paritioning on one hard-drive got mangled somewhere along the

> > How does Gentoo deal with
> > this sort of thing, or is the user supposed to figure out any/all
> > dependancies on their own, by looking at compilation errors?
> Ah, you're in for a nice surprise. Dependency management is one of the
> nicest features in Gentoo. It will automatically install any
> dependencies needed by a package (you can review what it will do by
> using "emerge -pv something" when you want to install something, the -p
> stands for "pretend"). Dependencies are also nicely handled in init
> scripts, for example, so that services on which others depend are
> started first.

Very good to hear.

As I do need to grab the portage tree, I was wondering if it's normal to
see a bunch of 0K downloaded 0:00 indicators when synching.  I didn't
proceed, thinking that the tree probably hasn't finished replicating,
but I just don't know for sure.  (I was getting data in a bunch of the
files though.)


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