On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Jan Heylen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an intel8x0 sound card (on board sis 735 chipset on a K7S5A V3.X
> http://www.ecsusa.com/products/k7s5a_v3.html motherboard).
> I've upgraded my whole system, had some troubles with alsa, and now I'm back
> to getting good sound, but after a while (I don't know the excact
> conditions, the sound changes in white noice and does not get good any
> more).
> I've searched the forums, the Internet and asked around, but all I could
> find is that it is probably some I/O error (something else using the
> registers of the sound device). But can't find anything more.
> Does anybody has some tips where to look? which files I should check for? 
> anything can help :),
> Thx
> Jan

     "After a while"?  Is the box getting hot?  Might be software
but it sounds more like a hardware problem either with the card or

Chris Johnson               |Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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