On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 00:01:56 -0600
LoneStar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:

> Linux Gentoo wrote:
> >On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 22:46:24 +0100
> >Norbert Kamenicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:
> >  
> >
> >>:-)  there is plenty of dirs u can look too, but the most
> >>proper on should be /var/log/ which is standard log dir
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Of course I though of that as soon as I sent the email.  I have
> >looked in /var/log and it's subdirectories.  Nothing can I find
> >relating to this.  In fact, very few of any kind of log files.
> >
> >  
> >
> Try dmesg. If it shows the needed info, then dmesg > demsg.txt to save
> it.

I will try that when I fire Gentoo up again.  I didn't think of that. 
Thank you.

> >Yea, I'm always leaving out something.  I do have Win98, and the
> >modem is fine under that.  Also I have a second computer beside this
> >one - winmodem, connects under windows only, works fine.  I can be on
> >all day long.  I have too many darn variables here.  New OS (MDK 9.1
> >& Gentoo), new MoBo and new external modem.  I needed new MoBo as the
> >old one died, new modem as I could not find an internal hardware
> >modem and new OS as MDK 7.2 (which i used before) is too old to run
> >on this box I would expect.
> >
> >I've been using this ISP for years, so it ain't that.
> >
> >  
> >
> It still could be. Ask your ISP if their servers are Windows, Linux or
> UNIX. I'll be willing to bet they're Windows.
> Most Win servers aren't Linux or Mac friendly.
> I've gone thru quite a few ISPs because of this.

It is a *nix system.  Not totally sure if it's UNIX or Linux.  I'm going
to guess that it's UNIX.  My ISP is the college I work for.  Linux would
be free, UNIX cost money.  Since we waste money like it grows on trees
I'm sure they paid for something.  This is compounded by the fact that
no one in the IT department really knows much, and half of them are 19
year old students.

> kppp uses wvdial to do it's work. Try it with kppp and set the idle 
> timeout (hangup if idle more than xxx minutes) to 0 or never,
> whichever it allows (I haven't used it in quite some time).

KPPP uses wvdial?  I don't mean to argue but are you sure?  I just ask
as it don't seem right.  I had to install wvdial on my Mandrake system
long after I had already been using KPPP.

I will check this idle timeout and play with that.

Wait, I'm back...  there is no idle timeout.  I found a pppd timeout and
a modem timeout, and from reading the KPPP help thingy I don't think
those are what you are talking about.  I see no idle timeout. 

Thank your for your help.

> Johnny

   On The Fly Photography
   Version: 3.12
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