On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Joshua Banks wrote:

> I was having the same problem. Found some stuff about a bug related to
> "stdio.h" and was told to remove it. All KDE pkgs compiled without a
> problem after that.
> Here's your link.
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32565
> Although this was unreleated to KDE in the above link it was
> demenstrating the same type of errors that you and I were getting. Make
> sure to read all through the posting to the end.

I did, and that took care of the problem.  Much easier than recompiling
gcc.  Thank you very much for posting this!  (Just as a side-note to
others contemplating this -- be certain you are deleting the *correct*
copy of stdio.h -- there's more than one file with that name!)


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