On Sunday 25 January 2004 01:02, Michael Spohn wrote:

> You must specify a key size (in bits) for use with CryptoAPI
> encryption.
> I know I should rtfm ;-) but at least #man losetup didn't come up
> with an appropriate option.

One way to set the keysize is to use the -k option.

losetup -e blowfish -k 256 /dev/loop0 SecureFile

I'm using an assembler optimized version of aes and I can chose a
keysize up to 256 bit. I don't know how big the keysize can be
with blowfish (but I think it's also 256 bits).
I think 3des is the most secure algorithm (because some
mathematicians have recently discovered a method to
describe the aes algorithm in a way that  they can
reduce the amount of possible keys for a brute force attack,
and it is possible, that further investigations in the future
could maybe break the code - sorry for my bad english, I hope you
understand what I wanna say :), but 3des is very slow, so I'm
using aes.
I don't know anything about the security of twofish.



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