I use kernel 2.4.23 wit ATI drivers 3.2.8, KDE 3.1.5  and VMWare 4.0.5-6030. I
use VMWare for kernel development and when I run it for some time and exit,
then my machine becomes pretty unstable. When I try to log out KDM usually
crashes and I also experienced other problems.

Anybody know if there is an issue with one of these packages or a combination
of them? Currently I have to run VMWare under Windows, because it is to risky
to continue this under Linux. What suprised me was, that yesterday my kde
screensaver (OpenGL/Solarwinds) crashed enven though I haven't run VMWare so I
thought it may be something else.

Any hints would be appreciated.

Gerhard Gruber
Maintainer of
SoftICE for Linux - http://pice.sourceforge.net/
Fast application launcher - http://sourceforge.net/projects/launchmenu

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