On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 01:38:53 +0800
Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Edited as advised.  But USER is not allowed to 'su -' on Konsole
> window Permission deny.
> Kindly advise how to fix it.

Standard on linux (and a number of other distros), only users in group
wheel may issue su to root.  Add your user to group wheel.

> The cause of rendering the Gentoo box failing to reboot after "emerge
> -u world' is still unknown.  I only suspect 'upgrading betagenkernel' 
> causing the box crashed.  It proceeded automatically without asking a 
> single question.  I am in uncertainty of  how to run 'emerge -u world'
> in future to avoid this mishap.

I don't have a clue what happened.  As a rule I only run 'emerge -p[uU]v
world'; then I emerge packages that I like manually.  If things like
gcc, glibc, xfree, baselayout, etc. (i.e. "very important" packages), I
usually wait a week or to to get comments from the list.


Collins - Denver Area - 
Gentoo stable kernel 2.6.2-rc1

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