Alec Berryman wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 09:00:01PM -0600, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>First the questions.
>>Other then karamba-webcam, are there any programs in portage (emerge -s
>>webcam came up with only karamba-webcam) to enable the viewing of video
>>locally and through programs like Gnomemeeting?
> I've used xawtv to view video locally, but have never found anything other
> than Gnomemeeting for remote.  There was a java-based program - I think it
> was called Palantir - that had a web interface, but the frame rate was
> horrendusly slow - maybe good for security, but not for a home user's webcam.

I'll check out xawtv and emerge Gnomemeeting (which I like) when I get a
chance. GCC is horrendously slow when compiling on this box (24 hours).

>>Do any of you folks recommend getting a Linux-based virus scanner? Since
>>I'm doing some minor web hosting (mainly for Windows users) I've been
>>thinking it might be a good idea but really am not sure if I should
>>bother or not.
> I've heard good things about ClamAV.  If you're just doing webhosting it
> probably won't be a big deal, though.

Well that is true, but some of the folks that I host for use there space
for file storage. I know one guy who's just going to be uploading
documents so he can link to them in emails.

>>Another problem I'm having is getting my mail to be filtered through my
>>procmailrc file (will attach if wanted). Any thoughts on how to get Exim
>>(my MTA of choice) to invoke procmail? I also have SpamAssassin
>>installed, is that overkill or what is possibly causing these problems?
> You'll need a .forward file in your home directory that says
> "|/usr/bin/procmail".  SpamAssassin isn't overkill, but neither it nor
> procmail are being invoked.  I'd recommend that you put your SA rules near
> the end; it'll speed up processing of mail that want sorted and don't expect
> spam to, like this list.


I don't know SA syntax for rules yet, I've just focused on procmail atm.

BTW, how do you make directories into valid "mailboxes" for the sake of

As far as this list is concerned, I use Mozilla Thunderbird which has
some easy to use filtering capabilities (mainly because the email
account is not on my local system).

Joseph A. Nagy, Jr.
Student at Motlow State Community College
Political Activist Extraordinaire
The only fallacy is the inaction on our part to stave off the worst of
horrors, the stripping of personal freedom.

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