050105 Rick Lapp wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 January 2005 09:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> 050105 Rick Lapp wrote:
>>> Is it me or does anyone else find etc-update difficult
>>> to do more than just "Replace original with update".
>>> I find the interactive menu not friendly at all.
>>> man etc-update is of no help either.
>>> Any suggestions?
>> you are using Gvim to show/edit the diffs, aren't you ... ?
> No, tell me more about Gvim?

fix  /etc/etc-update.conf  so it reads :

  # pager for use with diff commands (see NOTE_2)
  # pager="less"

  # vim-users: you CAN use vimdiff for diff_command. (see NOTE_1)
  # diff_command="diff -uN %file1 %file2"
  # using_editor=0
  diff_command="gvim -d %file1 %file2"

  # vim-users: don't use vimdiff for merging (see NOTE_1)
  merge_command="sdiff -s -o %merged %orig %new"

of course, you need to have (G)Vim installed on your system.

this will show the diffs in  2  nice vertical panels,
which you can edit to your taste, if something is customised,
or simply check through if not.  it reappears for each file choice.
when you're satisfied, you exit Gvim & enter '-1' (etc) as otherwise.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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