On Sunday 09 January 2005 09:28, John Lowell wrote:
> Sad to say, it's about a week later and I've still no answer to a
> question I've raised here a couple times and on the forums also. I
> say this in no way to complain but rather to express utter surprize,
> actually. There's a lot of first class Linux talent available on this
> mailing list so if I've stumped you guys, I've really achieved
> something.

There are some more test to do on your side ;-)

> I've made a fresh, stage one install on a machine I intend to use as
> a webserver. I've done a lot of successful Gentoo installations so
> it's not as though I'm an amateur. The install went on without a
> hitch but, booting up, I reach the end of the init sequence and
> there's a delay of 22 seconds before "Starting local ..." transitions
> in to the usual "This is .." and the login prompt. On my three
> workstations this transition take no time at all, it's virtually
> instantaneous. I have nothing in /etc/conf.d/start.local and my USE=
> is limited to -kde. pam is installed. I have no idea what in heaven's
> name would cause a delay of this kind. Is an answer to this problem
> really so obscure? God knows, maybe it is.
> jlowell

If you can exclude pam, you still should check

1) is "lo" device up and working? (I borked lo, time ago on a rh7 box 
and it took forever to do basilar tasks)

2) hostname dnsdomainname domainname and their config files; IMHO are 
really tricky to setup and can led to weird delays

As a last resort you can create a new runlevel and try to build it step 
by step to see what is delaying startup.

You may exploit /etc/conf.d/local.start not leaving it blank, and to do 
something really useful instead, such as redirecting ps verbose output 
to a file, or better, to start in background a watch task including 

If you have a serial terminal handy (many PDA have vt emulators) you can 
see if the problem is in /etc/inittab (agetty setup, for example)

HTH. Ciao
Linux Version 2.6.10, Compiled #2 Mon Dec 27 06:35:03 CET 2004
One 1.53GHz AMD Athlon XP Processor, 1.5GB RAM, 3022.84 Bogomips Total

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