Thank U Holly, I've a few questions then:

1) what do u mean with *real* fonts? I've this fonts 
under /usr/share/fonts ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/share/fonts $ ls
100dpi  TTF     corefonts      freefont      misc         ttf-bitstream-vera
75dpi   Type1   default        lfp-fix       ms-truetype  unifont
CID     afms    encodings      lfpfonts-var  sharefonts   util
Speedo  artwiz  fonts.cache-1  local         terminus

2) I'm emerging gtk-chtheme, does this work better than kcontrol - fonts 

3) I like artwiz-fonts but apart from that I'm using them because they are the 
only fonts which seem good renderered to me, the point about firefox that 
seems strange to me is that even the menu' and toolbars fonts (which are not 
configurable) are bad-rendered, maybe it's really a problem of gtk 

Thank you for your help. Fabrizio

On Sunday 09 January 2005 18:54, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Fabrizio Prosperi wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > Here is a snaphshot of my current desktop environment:
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm running fluxbox 0.9.10 and kde3.3 on a gentoo kernel system,
> > and using current portage xfs daemon at default runlevel.
> >
> > It seems to me that fonts aren't rendered very well, especially in web
> > browsers (both Mozilla Firefoz and Konqueror).
> >
> > Does anyone have some hints to help me getting font better rendered?
> > Thank you.
> >
> > Fabrizio
> >
> >
> > --
> > mailing list
> My first suggestion would be to "use *real* fonts" (no offence
> intended). Those "serif", "sans-serif" and "monospace" you've got listed
> imo render the worst of all the possible fonts you could have installed.
> If you don't have any real fonts installed, check out the
> bitstream-vera, msfonts, and many other font packages available in
> Portage, and then set your browser to use them to render web pages.
> Now, this won't help with the menus and all, because that is set by gtk,
> and your fluxbox desktop fonts are usually set by the theme, iirc. A lot
> of them (fluxbox themes) like you to have the artwiz fonts installed.
> I've never been so fond of artwiz fonts, but naturally, unless you want
> to hack the theme, it's best to have them, otherwise the theme will have
> to make something up, and that usually doesn't look so good.
> For GTK apps, you can install gtk-chtheme, which will allow you to
> change the font for the menus and whatnot in GTK-based programs
> (alternatively, if you have GNOME installed, you could use GNOME itself
> to do so, and run gnome-settings-daemon when you start fluxbox, but a
> lot of people don't like this solution).
> Hope this helps.
> Holly
> --
> mailing list

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