Mark Knecht wrote:
   In my case I have some fonts on the system:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$ ls /usr/share/fonts/
bitmap-fonts  bitstream-vera  default  fonts.cache-1  openoffice
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$ ls /usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera
fonts.cache-1  VeraBI.ttf  VeraMoBd.ttf  VeraMoIt.ttf  VeraSeBd.ttf  Vera.ttf
VeraBd.ttf     VeraIt.ttf  VeraMoBI.ttf  VeraMono.ttf  VeraSe.ttf

but the only dropdown choices I have are serif and sans serif.

Then you need to add the font paths to fontconfig file and update the font cache. See my earlier post in this thread.


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