Dave Nebinger wrote:
I just emerged openoffice (that was a wonderful 24 hours waiting for the
build to complete ;-)

When I open a text document and use a font, say times 12, the display
appears to size the font at an extremely miniscule size (maybe a couple of
pixels in height, if that).

I'm thinking it might be a freetype issue (as the OO build was referring to
the FT include files without following the standard for FT2 by including the
<ftbuild.h> header first so I hacked my freetype.h file to include it first
rather than throwing an #error message), but don't know for sure.

Anyone have suggestions on how to fix it?

Hi Dave,

did you check the zoom for your document? OpenOffice sometimes starts with a horrible zoom of say 33%, to fit a whole page on your screen. Try changing the zoom to 100%.

HTH Dirk

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