I'm trying to export an NFS mount for my LAN.  Here's the relevant
line of my /etc/exports file:

/video              ,sync)

Now, when I mount this share from another PC, I can't create any new
files on it, even though mount reports the mount as being mounted

> mount on /video/septictank type nfs (rw,addr=

Even as root I cannot create any files.  In fact, I can only cd one
directory below /video.  On the NFS server, I set all my directory
(and sub-directory) permissions to 777, yet that doesn't change

I have other NFS shares exported that work as I expect.  The only
that is different about this one is that it's an XFS filesystem.
Can XFS filesystems not be used with NFS?  I was under the
impression that the whole point of NFS was to be a filesystem
abstraction.  <shrug>

Any hints would be appreciated!

Thank you,

Matt Garman
email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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