On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:06:25 +0100, Gunnar Wrobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I tried to install exim-4.43-r2 it failed because of missing
> symbols in the perl library. According to this link
> (http://www.exim.org/exim-html-4.00/doc/html/FAQ_13.html#TOC215) this
> can happen if there are two different versions of perl installed at the
> same time.
> When I look into my /usr/lib/perl5 directory it has a 5.8.4 and a 5.8.5
> directory. So apparently both versions are installed but
> /var/db/pkg/dev-lang/ only lists perl-5.8.5-r2 as installed.
> Now I am confused and don't understand why the 5.8.4 directory still
> exists. Should it still be there? Was the unmerge unsuccessful? And what
> can I do in order to remove the 5.8.4 version so that exim compiles?

In my opiniun the 5.8.4 directory can probably be safely removed but
for safety why don't you just rename it to something else and then try
reinstall exim ? If no problems arise then you can remove it totally.


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