> > Don't hesitate to ask any questions.
> That's my problem. I've been using SuSE for so long I feel I should know
> more. I feel embarrassed asking what are probably trivial questions to
> most on here but are big issues for me.

The thing I love about gentoo (and LFS) is the fact that you can get a base
system installed without all of the additional cruft...

I was on the redhat track for awhile and while it got a full, well-rounded
system up and running in very little time, I found I had no real control
over what packages were installed and which where excluded.  So many core
system services were put in place and configured for what they felt were the
correct settings that I really struggled trying to find all of the relevant
configuration files to tie down the things I didn't want access granted for
and loosen up some of the other things I did want to grant access to.

I'm much happier with gentoo as I have full control, to the nth degree, over
what packages are installed.  And since I can do it in piecemeal fashion, I
can configure the package right after emerging it; I don't have to
bulk-configure all services on the box at one time.

So welcome aboard the gentoo bandwagon.  Enjoy the experience and remember
that most of us have seen and/or heard it before, so ask away...

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