Martoni wrote:
I am sorry - but these threads almost get me into flame war mode. What
you are saying is "I like Gentoo - but I don't like Gentoo". It makes
no sense what so ever.

Since I never said that, I'm not sure why you are having trouble with "flame war mode". I said I liked Gentoo. I said, for me, I don't need the granularity that is provided most of the time.
I like Gentoo's philosophy. I like the community, as shown in this thread that most people can read a post for what it is and realize that there are all sorts of Linux users out there. I like the package repository system. I like everything about Gentoo. I *never* said I don't like compiling packages -- I said I don't require the ability to do so most of the time.
Why would you get into "flame war mode"? There is nothing in my original post that should take you there. So what if I don't feel need to compile everything... you should become angry at that... why? So what if I believe this, that, or whatever. I asked a question, and got (for the most part) useful responses back. Nowhere in my post did I try to push any belief on anybody, insult anyone, or do anything beyond describe my situation and ask a simple question. Why people feel the need to flame, for any reason, is beyond me.

Thank you to everyone who did reply to the question at hand. I do appreciate the feedback and I appreciate those who took the time to describe why such a situation would not work.


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