that doesnt really fix it though.

I defititly had the same problem when i put in a new nvidia card.
changing NvAGP just disables AGP i would suspect the kernel isnt
compiled right. it definitely looks like an AGP problem. you really cant
render anything graphic intense without it, it basically makes your
video card no better than cards made 10 years ago

you need to recompile the kernel.  I would suggest using the newest

in menuconfig
        device driver
        character devices
        set agpart to module
        then choose the correct chipset there whatever dmesg
                says your chipset is which is your motherboard
reboot the new kernel and make sure agpart and chipset modules are

reemerge nvidia drivers
modprobe nvidia
in xorg.conf set 
option "NvAGP"  "3" 

if that does not work you have to keep the above settings and go into
your bios settings, I know that there is some compatability issues with
AGP above 2X (at least with VIA chipset) you might want to try setting
it to 4 in your bios and add this option to xorg.conf

option "AGPMode" "4"

if it still locks up you might want to move it down to 2 in both your
bios and AGPMode.

Im not a kernel hacker but I know that higher AGP tends to make it

On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 21:55 +0000, Peng wrote:
> On 01/16/05 02:31, Calvin Walton wrote:
> > On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 17:11:09 +0000, Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >>Unfortunately, X or KDE (I don't know which one...) freezes fairly
> >>often... I can, of course, hit the reset button on the front of the
> >>computer, but that's not good a good thing to do. Is there anyything
> >>else I may be able to do? I don't want to lose data...
> >>
> >>Seems like
> >>either keyboard input is ignored, or the stuff projected to the screen
> >>completely freezes. Probably the second, since I can still move the
> >>mouse around. Just can't click anything, and icons and all don't change
> >>when I mouse-over them.
> > 
> > 
> > I've gotton a similar problem, when using an nvidia card with nvidia's
> > driver on a cheap motherboard. It had problems with AGP.
> > 
> > If you are using an nvidia card w/ nvidia driver, try adding the line
> > Option     "NvAGP" "0"
> > to your "Device" section, and see if that improves stability
> > 
> > 
> >>Hey... That gives me an idea. Think it could be that just video output
> >>is forzen, so I could hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 and log in as root and reboot or
> >>something?
> > 
> > 
> > You may be able to ssh in from another box and restart X to recover.
> > 
> Hahaha. While reading this message, it froze. XD
> Anyway, after putting quotation marks around the zero, X and KDE loaded 
> fine. That's a good sign. Even changing a perfectly normal setting seems 
> to have a habit of breaking X on this system.
> After getting into KDE, I opened up a Konsole and did emerge --help and 
> scrolled up and down in it, and no freezes or anything. Konsole was the 
> most common problem, especially when I scrolled in it. Thank you thank 
> you thank you. <3 <3
> --
> mailing list
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Secretary Phi Mu Delta Mu Theta chapter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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