In the immortal words of Antoine:
> Christoph Eckert wrote:
> >>My problem is that I can't get
> >>kde to register the input from the mic properly. When I
> >>turn both mic and speakers on and put the volume up I can
> >>hear myself correctly on the speakers (from the mic).
> >>However, neither krec nor skype will record (forward) the
> >>input from my mic
> >
> > You can hear the sound because it is routed directly from the
> > input of the card to the output.
> >
> > Try alsamixer to select the mic input as capture source and
> > rise the input level.
> Doesn't seem to have any effect... alsamixer has the right mic selected
> (if I select mic2 then there is no sound from the speakers), has the
> word "capture" at the top of the mic level bar, and mic is at 90%.

Oh yeah, also make sure the Wave Capture control is turned up, and you might 
try turning on Mic Boost, ie, make sure it's not muted.

> Nothing has changed. I tried the other capture options, not knowing what
> they might do - still nothing. I have also tried with audacity, and get
> nothing there either.
> Cheers
> Antoine
> --
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