It depends also on what kernel you are using. Seeing as you don't mention, it makes it a little hard ;-)

Are you using IDE-SCSI emulation in your kernel?

What do:
        cdrecord -scanbus
        cdrecord -dev=ATAPI -scanbus


William Meertens wrote:
Hi all,

What's the logical explanation for this :

I have three drives 1 IDE and 2 SCSI divided in :
1 IDE writer
1 SCSI writer
1 SCSI reader

k3b detects only one :
writer : /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd
no scsi detected

Eclipt Roaster and Gnome Toaster only detect scsi :
Eroaster : 0,0,0 and 0,6,0
Gtoaster : /dev/sr0 (0,0,0) and /dev/sr1 (0,6,0)
no ide detected

GCDmaster detects a lot :
for scsi :
0,0,0 --> no disk
0,6,0 --> no disk
for ide :
ATAPI: 0,1,0 --> no disk
ATAPI: 1,0,0 --> ready
ATAPI: 1,6,0 --> ready

All the latest builds with the same USE variables. When using emerge -pv all 
dependencies turn up +red except the -debug is blue, witch is normal because 
it's not in my USE variable. What else is there to control this. The programs 
itself do not find anything that I input manually in the settings.

Thanks in advance and for your attention,

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