On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 14:09 -0800, Bob Sanders wrote:
> > > 
> > do you know if there is a way to add them to the list? i dont want to
> > manually have to start my screensaver.
> >
> Sorry, I'm not a Kde user.  i would think that there should be some
> way to specifiy the files, or the path to the files.   The assumption
> is that they work within the Kde screensaver framework.
> You might try the forums or google.
> Bob
thats probably my problem, im not a kde user either, im just messing
with it to see what all it has to offer, i normally use flux, but im
getting kinda fed up with having to make all my menus, when i install
something i want it to show, i dont want to manually have to add it. and
when you emerge in bulk like i do its a pain to try and remember what
you were working on when you have all kinds of other stuff going on.
and yes i know about flux-generate-menu but that rarely picks up
anything, and im not emailing the guy to have him add it. and the other
option is mmaker and that adds all kinds of crap to the menu, so its a
lose lose situation. but anyway enough ranting, thanks for the input, i
looked in that dir, and there is nothing fancy in there just ordinary
screen savers as far as i could tell, and i dont have that shperemonics
you mentioned either. oh well, ill keep tring.


> -- 
Nick Smith
Gentoo Linux: Portage 2.0.51-r3. kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r13. 2005 i686
Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4. gcc(GCC): 3.3.4. UPTIME 5 days, 1:38

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