Just an update on the MythTV box.  After the advise from Bob and Nick and some elbow grease, the box is running well.  I'm using Xine instead of Mplayer.  I had done an emerge --newuse world and it took care of the sound.  (I was having audio problems but put it aside until after I could get the video working properly.  Hee hee.  It pays to procrastinate!!)

On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 15:26, Bob Sanders wrote:
> A correction:  The reason I'm using the 2.4 kernel is because I am using
> the epia 2.4 kernel patch.  Can I use the same patch with 2.6 kernel?

No, the C3 is an option to cpu type in the kernel.  Under -

   make menuconfig
      Processor type and features --->
         Processor family --->

Actually with 2.6.9 and 2.6.10, this gets setup fairly automatically.


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