On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 06:39:59 -0500, Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  OK folks, here is the *ROOT CAUSE* of the problem.  The install LiveCD
> boots up with IPV6 enabled.  That's when mirrorselect gets run.  It
> finds IPV6-addressable servers.  But when you chroot later on in the
> install, you lose access to the IPV6-enabled binaries.  Is there a bug
> report on this somewhere?  I think the correct procedure should be to run
> mirrorselect *AFTER* the chroot.

Wouldn't that require mirrorselect to be added to the stage1 tarball
so that it is available after you chroot.

If i remember correctly (recently did an install) mirrorselect is run
before chrooting because you don't have access to it after you chroot.

>  OK, so much for the screwup in the install scripts, your solution is
> to comment out the GENTOO_MIRRORS line in make.conf and re-run
> mirrorselect *AFTER CHROOTING*, which will give only IPV4-addressable
> servers in the MIRRORS line.
>  The real solution is to get the developers to fix the b0rk3n install
> routine.

As I said earlier, in order to use mirrorselect after your chroot
surely it needs to be included in the stage tarballs? and the
dependancies would require you to be able to download packages before
being able to emerge mirrorselect giving the chicken and the egg

I don't have gentoo in front of me at the moment to check what options
mirrorselect has, but does it have an option to force IPV4 version
selection? i.e. to override the default use of whatever IP protocol it
detects is supported. If so, the docs should just be updated to
reflect use of that when starting off, instead of just using the
default option. Otherwise the option should probably be added to

Darragh Bailey
"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

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