Hello Chris,

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 3:52:18 PM, you wrote:

CB> Hi,

CB> Best way is to run 'crontab -e' as the user you want to set the crontab
CB> up for. You'll need to add that user to the 'cron' group in /etc/groups
CB> before it allow you to do it, unless you do it as root.

I'd already done that, added myself to the cron group. When I run crontab
-e where do I put it? It want'sto save into a temp folder?

CB> 10 */3 * * * wget -q -O /usr/share/xplanet/images/clouds_2000.jpg
CB> http://www.wizabit.eclipse.co.uk/xplanet/files/local/clouds_2000.jpg

So I wasn't for off, just got the source and destination the wrong way
round... Oh yes, missed a -O as well.

I have this in my /etc/crontab

10 */3 * * * wget -q -O /usr/share/xplanet/images/clouds_2000.jpg 

When I run it direct it works perfect, put it in crontab and it doesn't.

Am I starting the cron daemon correct with "crontab /etc/crontab" ?

The Bat!
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