If my memory doesn't fail me, there is a file /var/run/bootstrap-progress or 
somthing like this (I saw filename on syslog-ng console - Alt-F12). This is 
trouble maker. Delete it and run bootstrap again. It helped me to install my 
2 Gentoo boxes.
Best wishes!!!

>JHI just started setting up a new machine to replace an old PIII.
>JHI booted off the minimal LiveCD and started with a stage 1 tarball.
>JHI checked the md5sum before untarring it so I am sure it's OK.
>JHI edited etc/make.conf to set CPUTYPE to have -march=pentium4 and
>JHI set USE to "dvd alsa cdr". I did the locale stuff in code
>JHlisting 10 in section 6.a of the install guide.
>JHI did the optional "bootstrap.sh -f" in code listing 13 of 6.c.
>JHWhen I then did just bootstrap.sh it said that that it had already
>JHbeen done and did I want to do it again. When I confirmed it came
>JHback with "nothing to do", taking no time, contrary to the manual
>JHwhich suggests this should take some time.
>JHWhen I then ran "emerge system" it failed quite early on. These
>JHwere the final few lines (copied by hand):
>JH>checking how to run the C++ preprocessor .. /lib/cpp
>JH>configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
>JH>see config.log for more details
>JH>configure: error: /bin/sh ./configure failed for autoconf-lib-link
>JH>!!!ERROR sys-devel/gettext-0.12.1-r2 failed
>JHI couldn't find a config.log in any obvious place.
>JHWhat to do now?
>JHUnless anyone has any ideas I will repeat the install, leaving out the
>JH"bootstrap.sh -f" stage, in case that had anything to do with it.
>JHA couple of other funnies: mirrorselect failed with (I think) a python
>JHerror, dumping binary all over the screen. Also I had previously
>JHfetched the stage tarball to another machine, intending to pull it
>JHacross via ftp, but the livecd doesn't seem to have an ftp client.
>JHlinks2 is nasty, it displays the contents of the tarball on screen
>JH(even though it saves OK, it's ugly).
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
>JHhttp://www.newhost.ru - ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃ ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃ!

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