On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 09:56:42PM -0500, A. Khattri wrote the following:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:
> > Okay, something is hogging port 21, using port 20. If someone will contact
> > me off list (via email or contact info in sig), I'll give a temp ftp account
> > to see how it works from outside my network. If you're friendly and helpful
> > enough, I might even let you keep it for free for one year (e.g. you'll have
> > it until this date 2006).
> Sounds like you have other issues apart from proftpd. You really need to
> test it internally using your local IP address from another local machine.
> Once its working there, then you can tackle the bigger problem of getting
> in from outside. Offhand, Id say your router/firewall doesn't understand
> FTP and so is not letting the data connection through. If you configure
> proftpd to use Passive ports, then you can tell your firewall to allow
> those ports through unfiltered. Also, when testing from outside, you will
> need to switch on passive FTP in the client you're using.
> Having gone through playing with firewalls and proftpd myself, Ive had to
> learn more about FTP then I ever wanted ;-)

Thanks for the advice, I will definitely take it, but the offer still
stands. (:

Joseph A. Nagy Jr.
AIM: pres CTHULHU | ICQ: 18115568 | Yahoo: pagan_prince | Jabber: 
Libertarian @ Large | PGP: 0xCF7EAA67 | < http://www.joseph-a-nagy-jr.us > | < 
http://www.jan-jr-ent.biz >
< http://games.joseph-a-nagy-ur.us >

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