On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 10:16:56PM +0100, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:
> Yuval Scharf wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >Can I emerge two versions of the same software? How do I do that?
> >For example, I want to emerge two versions of 
> >games-simulation/flightgear-0.9.6.f
> >
> I think u mean to versions like 0.9.6. and 0.9.5. which are
> not "slotted".
> IMO u can't do it portage "clear" (let me know if so), but
> u can use this (common/simple) trick:
> emerge old_version and move all files to dir "old_version"
> emerge new_version and move all files to dir "new_version"
> Prepare script, which will "switch" versions, by making symlinks
> for every file from it's new place to original one (where installed) 
> depending on needed version.
> It shouldn't do troubles to portage, if correctly done.

No need to reinvent the wheel. :-)  The package "stow" is meant to do
just that for packages in /usr/local.

If you don't mind compiling the flightgear sources manually (perhaps by
reading the ebuild and doing it yourself), then compile it to install
in /usr/local/stow/flightgear-x.x.x, compile and install.  Something like

        emerge stow
        tar xzf flightgear-x.x.x.tar.gz
        cd flightgear-x.x.x
        ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/flightgear-x.x.x
        make && make install
        cd /usr/local/stow
        stow flightgear-x.x.x

The alternate method is to emerge flightgear as binary packages and
install back and forth like that.

Stow-like functionality would be really cool in portage, I agree.

- Chris

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