On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 13:24:47 +0100, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

> > The latest revision of the nvidia drivers seems to have fixed the
> > problem with older cards. at least, they work with a TNT2 here.
> their forum is füll of posts from people who have 6629+gf4-type cards
> probs,  so I would be carefull. And if you look ate ebay, the
> differences of the  prices in the low-end area are not hugh.

I know, I had the same problem myself, with a GF4 and a TNT2. I replaced
the GF4 with a FX5200 but the TNT2 continued to give problems, until the
latest ebuilds of kernel 1.0.6629-r3 and glx 1.0.6629-r4 which work fine
on the TNT2.

Neil Bothwick

Stupidity is NOT a handicap. You'll have to park elsewhere.

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