On Saturday 12 February 2005 02:33 pm, Joshi Saurabh wrote:
>      KDE works perfectly alright. but when i try to logout the machine
> completely hangs and i am left with no option other than hard reboot.
> however, if i try terminating my X server with Ctrl-Alt-backspace i
> get the prompt as usual.

I have the same problem on a DEC Alphastation 200 (4/166).  Below, I'm posting 
my information regarding the problem.  Please post the same information.

I am not using X/KDE, but I am using linux 2.4.21-alpha-r16, aboot 0.9-r1, SRM 
console with firmware v7.0.

I have not resolved the problem.  I don't have a workaround.  I've seen a few 
open bugs on it, mostly posted with the BSD distros.

I'm confident that the problem has nothing to do with KDE.  The problem is 
most likely:
1. a problem with the kernel handing control back over to the SRM console 
2. a problem with aboot handing control back over to the SRM console properly
3. a bad SRM console setting

For me, the sequence goes something like this:

This is leo.local (Linux alpha 2.4.21-alpha-r16) 16:19:06

leo login: root
Last login: Thu Dec 23 21:48:39 from orion.local
leo root # reboot

Broadcast message from root (tts/0) (Sat Feb 12 16:19:48 2005):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
INIT: Sending processes the KILL signal
 * Stopping local...  [ ok ]
 * Unmounting network filesystems...  [ ok ]
 * Stopping sshd...  [ ok ]
 * Stopping vixie-cron...  [ ok ]
 * Stopping vsftpd...  [ ok ]
 * Stopping metalog...  [ ok ]
 * Syncing hardware clock to system clock [UTC]...  [ ok ]
 * Saving random seed...  [ ok ]
 * Bringing eth0 down...  [ ok ]
 * Bringing lo down...  [ ok ]
 * Stopping devfsd...  [ ok ]
 * Deactivating swap...  [ ok ]
 * Unmounting filesystems...  [ ok ]
 * Remounting remaining filesystems readonly...  [ ok ]
Restarting system.

halted CPU 0

halt code = 5
HALT instruction executed
PC = fffffc0000310040

CPU 0 booting

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 000 VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( Sysd000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 801c085d--> ,lost,nDFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  :   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
 CSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (C000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x10000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr):000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:00000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  
HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFF Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   UNLL..000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA: 000046F800000004  
HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  I(Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    EpicADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  I(Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avant00000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR ( 07
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_Sector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   00000000000( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Thro000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Comanche): 6d8d2140-->
  DCSR (    Epic): 8018081d--> ,nDEV
  SEAR ( SysAddr): 01fc84b0
  PEAR ( PciAddr): 881001f8

Avanti System Machine Check Through Vector 00000660
logout frame address 0x6048 code 0x100000205

EXC_ADD:0000000000087D3A  ICCSR:   000046F800000004  HIER:   0000000000000080
HIRR:   0000000000000040  MM_CSR:  0000000000005801  DC_STAT:0000000000000007
DC_ADDR:00000007FFFFFFFF  BIU_STAT:0000000000000041  BIU_ADD:00000003881001F8
FILL_SY:0000000000000000  FILL_ADD:0000000000011270  VA:     00000000000061D0
EXC_SUM:000000000000942E  BC_TAG:  0000000A80000057
  EDSR (Com


            G a b r i e l   M .  B e d d i n g f i e l d

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