On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 00:34 +0000, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> On Saturday 12 February 2005 22:16, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> > How does one get access to ntop's data?  I used firefox with
> > http://host:3000 and keep being told the connection is refused. 
> > I tried hostname, ip address, localhost for host.
> >
> #################################################################
> #!/bin/bash
> # /usr/local/bin/my-ntop
> sudo ntop &
> sleep 10
> firefox http://localhost:3000
> #################################################################
> That works for me.

ntop when first ran asks for a password, so run ntop as root first.  You
can then start it on boot up using rc-update, etc.

If you've done that and connection is still refused, the problem lies
with ntop, check out the logs (/var/log/messages, etc) for any issues.

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