On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 00:37:53 +0100, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I accept that header-munging is incorrect behaviour, however it solves
> some real usage issues, albeit in an imperfect fashion.
> Maybe instead of arguing about "to mung or not to mung", we should be
> trying to find or create an alternative that solves the issues in a way
> more satisfying to everyone-- in other words, fix what's actually
> 'broken' (whether that be fixing one of the solutions, educating the
> users, or doing something completely new), rather than argue over which
> imperfect solution is less imperfect than the other.

Or maybe, with 100% hindsight, make it a policy to follow normal
business practices:

1. Decide the correct approach. 
2. Test the effects.
3. Perhaps, gasp, even discuss this with others.
4. Notify the user-base in advance.
5. Provide some suggestions for hardship cases.
6. Stick by your guns.

Of course, if you really prefer lots of whining, foist the change on
the users with no advance warning. After all, we only want gurus on
the list, so everyone will know what happened and what to do.

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