On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 22:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> There are a lot of "gotchas" to multi-booting x86 machines; the
> architecture just wasn't designed for it. I'd say the answer is a
> qualified "yes, it should work." But you should expect to spend some
> quality time with this and have complete back-ups, and know how to
> restore them, if there's anything you want to save.  That's the only
> pitfall you really have to worry about.  Back the data up or consider
> it lost when you start.

I am forced to disagree with you about this

I thought that it was the software (Microsoft) that "just wasn't
designed for it."

Well, I run Windows XP Pro, Fedora Core 1 and Gentoo (and I have
partitions prepared for 2 more distros) with no problems (well, a couple
or several in Windows XP Pro).  I still am working on some
configurations in Gentoo, though, but I am confident that I can get the
last few things "fixed" in Gentoo.

I use my /boot, /home and /pub (storage) partitions in common with the
Linux distros.

Here is my partitioning scheme:

Disk /dev/hda: 82.3 GB, 82348277760 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10011 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *         1        10     80293+  83  Linux
/dev/hda2            11       254   1959930   83  Linux
/dev/hda3           255       316    498015   83  Linux
/dev/hda4           317     10011  77875087+   5  Extended
/dev/hda5           317      1290   7823623+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6          1291      1899   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hda7          1900      2508   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hda8          2509      3117   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hda9          3118     10011  55376023+  83  Linux
Disk /dev/hdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1   *         1         7     56196   83  Linux
/dev/hdb2             8       130    987997+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb3           131       143    104422+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb4           144     19457 155139705    5  Extended
/dev/hdb5           144      1056   7333641   83  Linux
/dev/hdb6          1057      1665   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hdb7          1666      2274   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hdb8          2275      2883   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hdb9          2884      3492   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hdb10         3493      4101   4891761   83  Linux
/dev/hdb11         4102      8357  34186288+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb12         8358     19457  89160718+  83  Linux

My /etc/fstab files (hdc is a removable hard disk drive):

# Duron 950 Fedora Core 1 tinwhistle /etc/fstab file
/dev/hda8       /               ext3            defaults               
1 1
/dev/hda1       /boot           ext3            defaults               
1 2
none            /dev/pts        devpts          gid=5,mode=620         
0 0
/dev/hdb11      /home           ext3            defaults               
1 2
none            /proc           proc            defaults               
0 0
none            /dev/shm        tmpfs           defaults               
0 0
/dev/hdb12      /pub            ext3            defaults               
1 2
/dev/hda2       swap            swap            defaults               
0 0
/dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      udf,iso9660     noauto,owner,kudzu,ro  
0 0
/dev/fd0        /mnt/floppy     auto            noauto,owner,kudzu     
0 0
#/dev/hdb8      /mnt/fc2        ext3            defaults               
1 2
#/dev/hdb9      /mnt/fc3        ext3            defaults               
1 2
#/dev/hdc1      /mnt/backup     ext3            defaults               
1 2
#/dev/hdc1      /mnt/wav        ext3            defaults               
1 2
#/dev/hdc1      /mnt/fat32      vfat            defaults               
0 0

# Duron 950 Gentoo tinwhistle /etc/fstab file: static file system
# $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/fstab,v 1.14
2003/10/13 20:03:38 azarah Exp $
# noatime turns off atimes for increased performance (atimes normally
# needed; notail increases performance of ReiserFS (at the expense of
# efficiency).  It's safe to drop the noatime options if you want and to
# switch between notail and tail freely.
# <fs>                  <mountpoint>    <type>          <opts>         
# NOTE: If your BOOT partition is ReiserFS, add the notail option to
/dev/hda1               /boot           ext3            noauto,noatime 
1 1
/dev/hda3               /               ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hda2               none            swap            sw             
0 0
/dev/hda5               /usr            ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hda6               /opt            ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hda7               /var            ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hda8               /mnt/fc1        ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hdb8               /mnt/fc2        ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hdb9               /mnt/fc3        ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hdb11              /home           ext3            noatime        
1 2
/dev/hdb12              /pub            ext3            noatime        
1 2
#/dev/hdc1              /mnt/wav        ext3            noatime        
1 2
#/dev/hdc1              /mnt/backup     ext3            noatime        
1 2
#/dev/hdc1              /mnt/fat32      vfat            defaults       
0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660         noauto,ro      
0 0
/dev/fd0                /mnt/floppy     auto            noauto         
0 0
# NOTE: The next line is critical for boot!
none                    /proc           proc            defaults       
0 0
# glibc 2.2 and above expects tmpfs to be mounted at /dev/shm for
# POSIX shared memory (shm_open, shm_unlink).
# (tmpfs is a dynamically expandable/shrinkable ramdisk, and will
#  use almost no memory if not populated with files)
# Adding the following line to /etc/fstab should take care of this:
none                    /dev/shm        tmpfs           defaults       
0 0

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