On a recently intstalled 2004.3 from stage2.  I just ran an --update
portage as emerge was encouraging me to do.  Somehow with that and
other installations and removal I've done in the last 2 days.  I've
arrived at sort of catch 22.

I'm told some packages are blocking an --update world.  When I check
it out I see:

[blocks B     ] <x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r4 (is blocking

opengl-update is not installed.  at least according to qpkg -I.  And
because when I saw the message I thought I could move on by
uninstalling it.  But the --update still fails.

So, I thought I could just dodge it and update some of the other
stuff, but other packages are also being blocked by this situation.

As a very new user... I'm not sure what to do about this

Any recommendations?

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