I asume you know M$ is dropping support for non-.NET VB...

On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 17:19 +0000, Ian K wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I have some favors to ask of those who are interested.
> I am thinking of developing a new shell for Windows 2000/ME/XP (such as 
> Aston),
> in Visual Basic (Yes, i know VB is worse than C++, but its the only 
> language I know well enough to do something like this)
> and have a few simple questions.
> 1> Is there any existing open source skinning program that can skin 
> Windows widgets, and window decorations?
> 2> What are some cool names? I would have chosen Avalon but M$ is using 
> it. I want names that just suggest (with their sound) importance and 
> awe, like Avalon does. Any ideas?
> I would obviously be releasing it under the GPL. Im still in the 
> planning stages so dont expect to see anything too soon.
> Thanks!
> Ian
> PS>> I know its hard, but please try and stay on topic for this one 
> thread... I really dont need to hear why I shouldn't be developing for 
> Windows or even considering using VB, or things along that line..
Ivan Yosifov.

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