On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Dave Nebinger wrote:

> Only if you can't see the hype and hidden agendas of those folks.  Novell
> wants you to buy into it to build a consumer base for their own flavor
> (which, on the surface, looks and acts a lot like windows).

Err, its SuSE actually.

Also, they are open-sourcing a lot of their own stuff. (Sure, their
product is in their own interest but its a positive thing for the
community as a whole - we need mainstream players to embrace Linux fully).

> AT&T is only
> testing it out, but basically they're looking to gain some leverage against
> M$ in regards to pricing.

Maybe - Im sure security is a major component of that decision and M$
hasn't done very well in that regard for many years.

> Brazil and other third world nations don't really
> have the cash that M$ tries to extort from them.

The developing world today will be tomorrow's developed world so this is a
positive thing too.

> Hype and agendas aside, there is no momentum in the mass market to move from
> windows to linux.  I'd be real happy if there was as M$ IMHO is holding back
> the development of systems and technology and general innovation, but that's
> another thread all together.

I think people need to see big organizations moving to it (which is
starting to happen despite your poo-pooing), then they'll get more
exposure to it and use it at home, etc etc.


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