Hi markknecht,

you know you have posted the 

        SAME POST

do you?


On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 07:00 +0100, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:57:10 -0500 (EST), A. Khattri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Dave Nebinger wrote:
> > 
> > > Unfortunately, Holly, I don't think linux will be ready for the desktop 
> > > for
> > > quite awhile (yes, that does make me sad).
> > 
> > Novell disagrees:
> > http://business.newsforge.com/business/05/03/23/1755222.shtml?tid=152&tid=2&tid=37&tid=18
> > http://www.cbronline.com/article_news.asp?guid=397A879F-C1BB-4CBE-A8A4-633DE1B25200
> > 
> > AT&T disagrees:
> > http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aZ2JnBlm5tOs&refer=us
> > 
> > Various governments disagree:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/29/technology/29computer.html?
> > 
> > The tide is turning.
> Yeah, Linux on the business desktop is going to happen, or really
> already has in so many places.
> Where Linux won't happen on the desktop in any big way is in the home.
> Configuration is too difficult. Until all configuration for a standard
> home machine can be handled in gui apps somewhere it won't work since
> Grandma and her 7 year old grand daughter cannot be expect to run vi.
> My now 12 going on 13 year old son has never had anything other than
> Linux. He got his first machine at 8 or 9. He used to bitch about
> things here and there, and still does once in awhile, but with Cedega
> he can play Half Life. He does all homework with Open Office and the
> Gimp. He and I are trying to set up some sort of video capture/movie
> edit setup for him to capture XBox things he wants to show people. It
> works.
> Kids are very adaptable. They will complain but it stops pretty
> quickly. I wanted mine on Linux because I especially didn't want a kid
> using Windows on my network. It's bad enough with an adult doing it.
> My biggest worry now is Internet predators. I wish there was a real
> solution for that sort of stuff under Linux, like Net-nanny etc. under
> Windows. That's what scares me as a parent.
> - Mark
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