One other thought- I don't recall seeing any mention of this in this thread.  
Are you sure your heatsink/fan combo is rated for your AMD 64 cpu?

On Friday 22 July 2005 11:26 am, Joseph wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 10:00 -0400, Robert Crawford wrote:
> > > > I have an old IDE drive, maybe I can squeeze Gentoo on it for
> > > > testing. Bob has a good idea too regarding the CPU compound under the
> > > > heat-sink but at CPU temp. 39C I don't see how that could cause any
> > > > problem.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > #Joseph
> >
> > No matter what the temp sensors are reading, your problem definitely
> > sounds like it's heat related. Temp sensor readings can, and often are
> > not accurate, sometimes to an amazing degree. I don't know what type of
> > sensor your cpu uses, but if it's the type under the cpu, it might not be
> > in good contact with the cpu itself, thus giving false readings, I
> > wouldn't be surprised if your cpu temp was really  over 50C.   In my
> > experience, temps over 50C. with AMD 32bit cpus start giving problems
> > like this, no matter what AMD says about it. Seeing as how you have an
> > AMD 64, I'm not sure about the sensor type- all I'm saying is that the
> > readings can vary wildly, and are not to be trusted, especially
> > considering your current problems.
> >
> > Robert Crawford\
> I'll try to get to the bottom of it.
> 1.) First, I have noticed that the Sata Controller share one IRQ with
> Network Controller, this is not a good combination.  I don't know if it
> is possible to re-assign and IRQ so they will be on a different one
> (BIOS does not have this option).
> If not I'll install another network card and disable the one on the
> Motherboard.
> 2.) Heat could be a problem as you have mentioned, I'll try to change
> the thermal padding under the heatsink.
> --
> #Joseph
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