On 2013-09-28 3:50 PM, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 20:11:06 +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

To merge two filesystems, you just merge two filesystems. You don't
rebuild anything. You might have some downtime though

one reboot. You cp everything into /newuser. On shutdown you unmount
/usr, mv newuser usr, sync, unmount, reboot.
if you want to do it 'old fashioned', you cp everything to /newuser,
reboot with systemrescuecd, mount / on /mnt/gentoo, my newuser to usr
and reboot. Oh, and change fstab.

It's not that simple if /usr is on LVM,

Mine is

/ is not large enough to hold /usr

But luckily, mine is - merging will leave about 5GB free (out of a total of 19GB for my / filesystem)...

and resizing the partition is really tricky. In that case, the
simplest option is to start using an initramfs. Once that is working,
you can get rid of the separate root partition and move that
filesystem into the VG too.

Thanks, but I definitely don't want my / on LVM... ;)

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