On 2013-09-28 10:04 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 28/09/2013 13:32, Tanstaafl wrote:
This, combined with an intense (also maybe irrational) desire to avoid
like the plague using an initramfs, is why this decision to FORCE me
into a position of possibly having to break my system (either by a filed
attempt at merging /usr into /, or a failed attampt at using an initramfs).

No-one is forcing you to do anything, the news item did not say that.

It says that if you do it, the devs will not support you and you are on
your own. It also says that in the dev's opinion, the day when you can
no longer support it either is probably not too far away

The main thing about this that pisses me off is the lack of enough
warning... one month? Really? One month to completely rebuild a
server that has been running flawlessly for many years, just
because someone doesn't like something that has been done for many

First, it is not one month, it is much longer. We've all been
whinging about the issue for most of this year.

Oh, please... the last conversations about this were *only* with respect to udev. Claiming that issue/conversation/thread adequately serves as advance warning about this *new* ultimatum is disingenuous at best, and an outright LIE at worst.

Two, why do you think you need to rebuild the entire machine? You
don't need to do that just to merge two filesystems.

To merge two filesystems, you just merge two filesystems. You don't
rebuild anything. You might have some downtime though

Right, I misspoke there, but something that seems trivial to one person may not be quite so trivial to another.

I have *never* merged a critical filesystem on a critical server like this before.

Please see the news item for what it actually is, not something else.

I see it as an ultimatum that I *must* change a server that has been running flawlessly for years, or face breakage at some point in the NEAR future.

I also view this as a potential 'shot across the bow' warning that systemd is coming and will be shoved down our throats, like it or not.

Maybe it isn't, but judging solely by recent events, I think that is much more likely than not.

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