Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 2013-09-29 11:24 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Tanstaafl wrote:
>>> Dale - I'm honestly curious, what is your reason, philisophical or
>>> technical, for wanting a separate /usr?
>>> Everything I've read says there is no good reason for it today.
>>> Separate /home, /tmp, /var, yes, good reasons for t hose... but not
>>> /usr...
>>> So, again - why would you prefer switching distro's over merging /usr
>>> back into / and be done with it?
>> The reason is the same I have posted before.  I have / and /boot on
>> regular partitions.  Everything else is on LVM.  I don't have / on LVM
>> because it would require a init thingy.  I don't have /boot on LVM
>> because grub doesn't or didn't support it.  I have since switched to
>> grub2 so it may but still have the issue with / so no need redoing
>> everything for that.
> Well, I don't see a *reason* to WANT to have /usr on a separate
> partition. I see only THE reason that you have it there NOW.
> Also, logically speaking, if the stated reason for not having / (or
> /boot) on separate LVM partitions is because it would require an init
> thingy, then why can't you simply add /usr to that reason?
> Again, I'm asking for why you WANT it on a separate LVM partition, not
> why it is there now.
> The way I see it, if y ou cannot provide a rational answer to that
> question, then  there is no reason for you to use this as a reason to
> abandon gentoo, only a reason to merge /usr into /...

Simple, I have never had to resize / or /boot before.  I have had to
resize /usr, /var and /home several times tho.  THAT is the reason.  For
me, it doesn't matter if it is rational to YOU or not.  I am the one
doing things on my puter not you or anyone else.  If the init thingy
fails, that will be me staring at a error message, not you. 

I hope that clears it up for you. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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