James <wireless <at> tampabay.rr.com> writes:

> there is *no we* in nix unless your or I step up.
> Fair enough! ::

> git clone --bare https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/gli.gitCloning into bare
> repository 'gli.git'...
> fatal: repository 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/gli.git/' not found

> It'd be wonderfully appreciated if somebody (anybody) has those old
> installer sources anywhere I can replicate them for tweaking. 

SVEN created a wonderful repositor of old portage snapshots::


But, alas it has "disappeared" too?

Granted the posted reason is a failure of guidexml:

"Resource unavailable

The requested resource uses Gentoo's retired web publication system
GuideXML. As support for GuideXML was disabled on May 18, 2015, the resource
can not be displayed. We hope the author provides an updated version soon.  "

So there is no other way to publish archived portage tree snapshots?


Gentoo devs should at least appreciate the frustration the gentoo_commoners 
experience:: since it looks like the only automated installer we're
going to get on gentoo is DYI.... I'm ok with that but the simplest
path (IMHO) is to just start off where the 2009 installer left off.

After all, all the brilliant minds say that it cannot be be or should not be
done (create and automated gentoo installer).....


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