On Tuesday 12 September 2006 03:39, Dale wrote:
> > !!! Digest verification failed:
> > !!! /usr/portage/distfiles/util-macros-1.1.0.tar.bz2
> > !!! Reason: Failed on MD5 verification
> > !!! Got: 8bad98dd55d18d6ec69f444e86d0f934
> > !!! Expected: bc06eebd94b6e65405c2d5b1e479fea8
> I have re-synced a couple times and still no joy at all.  My install
> can't get pass this because some other packages depends on it.  I have
> also tried a ton of other mirrors.  I used mirrorselect -i and added
> them all in and get the same thing.  A lot of the mirrors don't have the
> file.  I even tried getting it from the freedesktop.org website with the
> same thing.  This seems to work fine on my old install.
> What's up with this?  Anybody else run into this?  Does it need a roach
> report?

# rm /usr/portage/distfiles/util-macros-1.1.0.tar.bz2

Bo Andresen

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