On Sat, 16 Sep 2006 03:14:16 +0300, Daniel Iliev wrote:

> The problem:
>  > /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart
>  > * Caching service dependencies 
> ...                                       [ ok ] * Service net.eth0
> stopping
>  > * WARNING:  you are stopping a boot service.
>  > * Service net.eth0 stopped
>  > * Service net.eth0 starting
>  > * WARNING:  net.eth0 has started but is inactive

Do you have ifplugd or netplug installed? This is the message I get when
bringing up my wired interface with no cable connected. If that's the
case you have nothing to worry about, the interface will be activated
when a link beat is detected on the cable.

Neil Bothwick

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. *

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