Mark Kirkwood <markir <at>> writes:

> > # gcc-config -l
> >  * gcc-config: Active gcc profile is invalid!
> >  [1] i586-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.2

> $ gcc-config 1

> This will tell the system that 4.1.2 is the guy to use (I guess your 
> update removed an older version that was the default?)

yep I'm building a minimized system for a firewall with hardened kernel
sources but with the regular (default) compiler...  I did get
adventurous this time around and set the (PIC) flag just for grins.
Who knows, maybe the next time, I'll build a fully Hardened system....

I ran a 'emerge -a --depclean and that removed the old gcc 3.4
Settings must have not been happy at this point.

Here's the details of what I did to fix it

 # source /etc/profile  <just to be sure>

 # gcc-config 1
 * Switching native-compiler to i586-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.2 ...
 * Your gcc has a bug with GCC_SPECS.
 * Please re-emerge gcc.

 Regenerating /etc/          [ ok ]

 * If you intend to use the gcc from the new profile in an already
 * running shell, please remember to do:
 *   # source /etc/profile

# unset GCC_SPECS && emerge gcc"

All seems to be compiling on an old pentium......

thanks Mark (&Greg)


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