Mark Knecht wrote:
On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dale wrote:
Mark Knecht wrote:
As part of emerge -DuN system portage appears to first make me remove
python by hand. Is this safe?
No!  Not until you get a working version installed.  Portage needs python.
 Someone correct me if I misstep here:

emerge the new python, run the python updater and let it emerge whatever
packages it needs to rebuild, check to make sure nothing still needs the old
version and then you can unmerge the old one.

I think that is the correct way.
It is.  *Only* unmerge the old Python after you emerged the new one *and*
ran python-updater.

Unmerging Python without first emerging the new version is equivalent to
sawing off the branch you are sitting on.  You could as well unmerge portage
itself and wonder where portage went and why you can't emerge.

Thanks. That is sort of what I thought but I felt it best to ask
first. It seems I have python oriented things in my world file that
I'm not clear need to be there. One is python-updater. I'll emerge
python first and then return to look at how emerge -DuN world would



Not quite there yet. After you emerge the new python, run the python updater and let it update/re-emerge whatever it needs to. You really need to run the updater tool. It looks for packages that will still depend on the old python and rebuild them so they will work with the new one.

If you emerge the new python and unmerge the old python, some things may not work, including portage.

After you get that sorted out, then you can do the other updates.

Make sense?


:-) :-)

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