Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Only a proper analysis of your files will tell you this. It's easy enough to 
> check for individual file fragmentation and get stats on that before you do 
> the copy-off/copy-back.

This is interesting.  I am starting a new install on my backup drive. 
I'm part way through the install, fetching all the KDE stuff right now. 
This is what I got from the little frag script:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / # /root/ /backup/
0.953336175120985% non contiguous files, 1.02414182192021 average fragments.

Less than 1% is my starting point I guess.  This currently has ext3 on
it.  I did start out with a freshly formatted file system.  Also, this
is all on one big partition at the moment. 

I'll post later what it says after compiling a few packages.  I figure
KDE should stir up something.  LOL


:-)  :-) 

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