Daniel da Veiga wrote:
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:03, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hung Dang wrote:
I often use Ctrl+F1 to F6 to back to the command line and if your X is
fine you can back the X screen using Ctrl+F7. Or if you want to kill
your X then Ctrl+Alt+Backspace may be helpful.


Dale wrote:
I know the subject is a bit lacking but here goes.  I'm thinking about
trying this xorg-server upgrade again.  I been thinking about a way to
do this and not have to pull the plug on my rig if it fails, which I bet
it does.  This is the command I am thinking about trying.
/etc/init.d/xdm start && sleep 5m && /etc/init.d/xdm stop

I'm thinking this way.  Start X first.  If it fails, it will stop in 5
minutes and come back to a console.  Think this will work?  If xorg
works, I can switch back to a console and ctrl C the command and
carry on.

Thoughts?  Better ideas?


:-)  :-)

That won't work because if xorg-server fails, my keyboard doesn't work
when I switch to X.  If the keyboard doesn't work, I can't switch back
to anything or type anything.

I done been through this one time.  I'm trying to figure out how to get
back to console with a keyboard that doesn't work at all.

Best way to do this is using a remote shell (SSH for example) in
another machine. If that's not an option or X driver fails in
conflicts with the kernel (mine did before I found a suitable config)
then you're pretty much lost, cause your video is gone for good.

You can try SYSREQ combinations to kill the server and if that fails
even cleanly reboot the rig, but as I said before, depending on the
problem your video is gone.

stick a "chvt 1"  after the "xdm stop".

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