On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a quick scan as well; I am starting to feel they screwed up this
> specification. Sometimes it is the case that the wfs spec plans around
> functionality that does not end up making it into filter spec. I wonder if
> they just dropped the ball here.
> Do any of the temporal functions apply in this situation.
> I am going to have to wait until the weekend to write up your proposal; in
> general I like the approach although hate Id<ResourceId> pulling double
> duty.
> Specifically it does not allow us to do one of the main use-cases I have for
> revisions. Querying history and spatial at the same time (as a poor mans
> version of identity management where features are split and merged over
> time).
> While our ability to mix Id and Filter lets us handle this case in GeoTools;
> the same functionality is not "strict" WFS.
> It also just bugs me; Id was placed in a second pile from Filter for a
> reason (since you were doing direct record references something that is not
> the same ideas as a judgement call when you evaluate expressions against a
> record). By softening RecordId to be a "query object" they are breaking they
> query model ... it is just bad manners making something so confusing.

Can't agree more.

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