Dear colleagues

The 2021 Harold & Margaret Sprout awardees were announced recently. This year, 
we have two phenomenal authors as co-winners:

Marwa Daoudy (Georgetown) for The Origins of the Syrian Conflict 
 Published by Cambridge University Press.

Michael Méndez (University of California, Irvine) for Climate Change from the 
Streets: How Conflict and Collaboration Strengthen the Environmental Justice 
Published by Yale University Press.

Both make significant and important contributions to our understanding of 
global environmental politics.

On Daoudy’s book, the committee believed: 

"The Origins of the Syrian Conflict convincingly debunks the conventional 
narrative that resource scarcity inevitably causes conflict. Through a rigorous 
analysis of the Syrian civil war, Daoudy shows us that the consequences of 
climate change and resource scarcity can be attenuated by sound government 
policy. This empirically rich and timely book holds enormous implications for 
the environmental security and resource scarcity literatures.”

On Méndez’ book, the committee believed:

"In Climate Change from the Streets, Michael Méndez focuses on the equity and 
justice dimensions of climate policy. Writing as a scholar and practitioner 
with a deep knowledge of California’s climate policy and politics, Méndez 
convincingly argues that policymakers must embrace both social justice and 
public health principles to address the climate crisis. His multi-scalar 
analysis, which demonstrates the power of the environmental justice movement to 
influence climate governance at every scale, is a hopeful and important 
contribution to the climate change and environmental justice literatures.”

Congratulations to both authors for these remarkable pieces of research!!    

Unfortunately, we will not be able to celebrate in person. However, we will be 
honouring our awardees at the ISA-ESS Business Meeting, which will be taking 
place virtually at 2pm ET on 21st April. Note as well that will also be 
honouring the awardees from last year  at the same time, i.e. Jessica 
Steinberg, for Communities, Mines and States: The Local Politics of Natural 
Resource Extraction 
 and Honorable Mention, Cristina Balboa for The Paradox of Scale: How NGOs 
Build, Maintain, and Lose Authority in Environmental Governance 

We hope that you can join us! Further details to follow in the official 
announcement from the ESS.

Best wishes,

Charles Roger
Assistant Professor 
+34 935 423 030

Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals 
Campus de la Ciutadella (UPF)
Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27. 08005 Barcelona (Spain) <>

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