At 09:41 PM 11/10/01 -0600, Mrs. Kimberly Ann Kravitz wrote:
>I wanted to tell everyone something. I have been using pine bedding for 4 months now 
>and have had no problems with my gerbils. They also like penuts.

I've always had bad luck with pine - gets stinkier soon - sets off my allergies and 
I've had problems with babies having respiratory probs on it.  I use aspen because of 
that.  Peanuts are ok for gerbils as treats I'd say.  They do have a higher fat 
content I believe.  If you're planning on breeding then make sure your gerbils are 
getting a balanced diet - gerbil pellets like nutri-block are your most nutritious.

>I do have a ? though. I put two males and to females together and they get along 
>great but what will happen when they have babies????

Possibly nothing - however, many breeders have had problems with pairs getting along 
and a female killing pups of another.  Females can be extremely territorial and you 
could have babies injured or killed - on the other hand nothing may happen.  I 
couldn't get my pairs to get along no matter how big a cage I gave them.  I find a 
breeding pair works best in a 20 gallon aquarium for space.  Allows the babies room to 
romp and mom and dad room to escape :)


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